Looking for New Business Opportunities? Build Your Center of Influence

No business would ever say no to new opportunities to boost their revenue, but it’s not always easy to pinpoint the most promising opportunities. You could take a direct approach by changing up your marketing plans or increasing your online presence, but these avenues require substantial time and monetary investments to generate noteworthy results. At Dinkel Business Development, we believe that strong relationships are the key to building revenue. As such, let’s look at a few ways you can build your center of influence and grow your business as a result.

Use Social Networking to Your Advantage

Social media is among the most powerful tools available when it comes to building and diversifying your center of influence. If you are hoping to expand your network locally or nationally, be sure to utilize popular networking platforms like LinkedIn as part of your strategy. If your LinkedIn presence could use a boost, perhaps start out by trying to make at least two meaningful connections per week. Also, get in the habit of posting at least on new piece of content each week on LinkedIn…make it relevant, use your own voice, help other people, use hashtags and tag your colleagues.

Explore a Strategic Alliance

If you haven’t explored a strategic alliance yet, we’ve recently published a blog post explaining exactly what they are and how businesses utilize them for growth. In short, successful strategic alliances take place when two similarly situated businesses share their resources in order to grow stronger. The goal here is to exchange ideas, contacts, and technology in the interest of strengthening both businesses rather than competing against each other.

Be Genuine by Sticking to Your Personal Brand

This last tip is sure to help you out at your next networking event, but it’s really advice that can be applied in any new interaction. Each person has their own personal brand. When meeting new potential partners or building connections, be sure to tap into yours! There are many things that may make you unique and memorable, and it’s okay to let that shine through when building new connections. Simultaneously, be sure to take a genuine interest in the personal brand of others, and you’re sure to find some common ground. This authentic approach is a great way to build strong relationships that lead to mutual benefits.

Give to Get

Be a person that’s always willing to help.  One of the best ways to build your center of influence is to build a reputation of being a giver.  No matter where you are, try to think of how you can help the person you’re talking to because when you bring value to someone in your network, they will remember you for that. Being a good listener and asking good questions are both critical traits of a person that wants to help.  Think about it. If you’re out there trying to help those you meet with a connection, information or just advice, pretty soon you’ll gain the reputation as a person that people want to meet.

Dinkel Business Development, LLC

Metric-driven Business Development Consulting

DBD can help your business grow by creating a business development plan that engages your prospects and partners using a proven system of relationship marketing and outbound lead generation. Let’s start building relationships together today! Please call us at 443.226.0163 or reach us via email at john@dinkelbd.com to get started.


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